The first signs of psoriasis on the elbows and home treatment methods

Skin diseases are associated with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and psychological disturbances. One of the common diseases that requires immediate skin treatment is psoriasis of the elbows, and the choice of medication is not limited to the use of topical preparations. If you do not do the therapy on time, then soon a small inflammation will develop from a cosmetic problem to a medical problem.

What is psoriasis on the elbows

The disease, which is characterized by the appearance of some spots on the bend of the limbs, is characterized by unpredictability and cyclicality. Psoriasis of the elbows is a chronic skin disease that begins with the appearance of papules and grows into scaly plates (large diffuse lesions) with shades of white, silver, reddish. Slightly elevated damaged areas form due to accumulation of dead cells. If inflammation is not treated, the disease will progress with alternating periods of worsening and remission.


When crusts form on the elbows, you can immediately notice the damaged areas of the skin. The signs of the disease are clearly visible immediately, and it is rarely possible to completely cure psoriasis in the area of flexion of the arms. The chances for a successful recovery are those patients who have consulted the doctor in a timely manner. A cause for concern should be violations of the skin condition in the elbows, which are similar to the following symptoms of psoriasis:

  • Red plaques or scaly spots that at first look like papules with a white coating and as the disease worsens and develops, they grow, connect with each other and are covered with white scales.
  • Itching of the skin, which provokes even greater damage to the skin. Like other mechanical skin injuries, such as scratches, cuts, such inflammation in the elbows combs, damages the skin and this leads to the appearance of new spots.
  • Severe redness, inflamed areas of the skin begin to bleed.
symptoms of psoriasis on the elbows

Plates on the elbows

Psoriasis can appear in the groin area, on the trunk, limbs or head, but wherever the disease is localized, its sure sign is plaques. Wounds on the elbows in the form of red spots with white scales occur more often due to the opening of this area of skin because it is easy to damage. The altered area of the epidermis becomes inflamed, the red scaly spots gradually increase and may cover the entire elbow. With a neglected form, plaques can bleed and when scratching is attempted, the "stearin stain" phenomenon appears, as after a drop of hardened wax.


Ongoing scientific studies have not yet been able to determine with complete certainty the source of the onset of the disease, and among the medical versions of the causes of psoriasis in the elbow area, the following can be distinguished:

  • Genetic predisposition is a statistically significant factor. If one of the parents has chronic skin inflammation, then there is a high probability that the child will also get psoriasis.
  • The entry of specific substances that penetrate through the damaged areas of the skin. The affected areas of the epidermis begin to thicken, the body begins to fight against abnormal symptoms and rejects cells, which from the outside manifest as a fungus on the elbows.
  • Violation of the work of T lymphocytes, which face the task of creating a barrier in front of pathogens.
  • Lack of silicon in the body.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Severe limb injuries.
  • Severe mechanical damage, non-healing wounds.
  • Emotional, mental stress.
  • Long-term treatment.
  • Weak immunity.
hypertension as a cause of psoriasis in the elbows


A chronic inflammatory process in the elbows, which, under the influence of a variety of reasons, either intensifies or decreases and progresses without proper treatment. The course of therapy should be prescribed by a dermatologist, but to determine the effectiveness of the method, the choice of drugs, procedures, the doctor must assess the course of the disease. Further tactics will depend on the clinical picture, as it is customary to distinguish the following stages of skin lesions on the elbows with psoriasis:

  1. Beginners. The surface of the skin on the outside of the elbows is covered with redness. The reddish spots of a rounded shape with a white film grow, are covered with scales and after 2-3 weeks plaques form. With timely treatment, the signs of psoriasis may disappear for a while and then reappear or the lesion may appear on another part of the body.
  2. Progressive. This stage of the disease can be characterized by the presence of multistage psoriatic elements. The appearance of such signs indicates the onset of a worsening of psoriasis and it is easy to notice this by the presence of a hyperemic edge (redness) along the edge of the scaly plaque.
  3. Stations. It is characterized by a decrease in the inflammatory process, which indicates the effectiveness of the treatment used. The appearance of new plaque on the elbows stops, there are no red edges around the psoriatic elements, their diameter is reduced, while scales completely cover the inflamed area.
  4. Regressive. Shows a partial recovery, while the peeling is almost invisible or disappears, instead of plaques pigmented areas of skin appear. A further set of measures will be aimed at preventing psoriasis exacerbations.
specialist examination for psoriasis of the elbows


The wavy course of the disease, when a spontaneous period alternates with improvement, is not the only insidious component of psoriasis. The severity of the course of the inflammatory process depends on the nature of the rash, another important factor is the shape. With the localization of rashes on the elbows, often found a kind of simple (vulgar) disease, which is characterized by redness, skin, itching. The neglected form of the disease threatens with complications and the appearance of pustular, erythrodermic, seborrheic psoriasis - with them the area of the lesion will expand.

How to treat psoriasis on the elbows

There are effective methods of therapy, but complete cleansing of the skin of the elbows will not work, because psoriasis belongs to the group of incurable diseases. The whole system of complex treatment will aim at the maximum elimination of external signs. The duration of remission depends on many factors, and to eliminate the manifestation of psoriasis, it is recommended to build a treatment regimen using such basic methods as:

  • local therapy (ointment, cream, lotion);
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • phototherapy;
  • special diet;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Remedy for psoriasis of the elbows

Medicines are actively used in the treatment of a multifactorial disease, but their effectiveness is evident only in combination with other means. For the treatment of psoriasis, it is customary to use external medications, and if they are ineffective, the following medications may be prescribed:

  1. cytostatics;
  2. antihistamines;
  3. enterosorbents.


A quick way to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis is a topical treatment. Ointments with vitamin D, zinc, tar are called to help remove dead cells, hydrate the skin on the elbows and hormonal agents help cope with the more severe forms of the disease. Corticosteroids are relatively safe if used according to the instructions of a doctor who has examined the psoriatic plaques on the elbows, assessed the condition of the upper layers and the extent of the lesion. Only a dermatologist can introduce hormonal ointments into the treatment regimen, self-medication is strictly forbidden!

Alternative treatment

Compresses, lotions, decoctions, baths can rightly be considered no less useful methods of treating psoriasis. If the plaques on the elbows are covered with a white film, then the itching at home, the rash can be easily removed by soaking the affected areas for 7-10 minutes in a cold herbal solution. The composition should be chosen individually, boiled in boiling water, but hot baths should be avoided. Among the useful herbs for the treatment of psoriasis are:

  • celandine;
  • chicory root;
  • valerian root.
celandine herb from psoriasis on the elbows


There is no reason to assume that psoriasis will go away on its own, but self-medication is also not worth it because there is a risk of worsening the course of a chronic disease. Removing the inflammatory process is the first step towards recovery, as for a long-term remission, you will need to follow some recommendations from doctors. To avoid worsening of psoriasis, it is necessary to adhere to such preventive measures:

  1. follow the proper diet;
  2. exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, alcohol, sweets, spicy foods;
  3. get enough sleep, while the sleep period should be at least 8 hours a day;
  4. avoid mechanical skin damage, injuries;
  5. monitor the internal condition of the body;
  6. develop skills to cope with stress;
  7. support the functioning of the immune system, avoiding infectious diseases;
  8. minimize contact with household chemicals.

Photo of psoriasis on the elbow

picture of psoriasis on the elbows